CoreKnives & WedgeCutters
AceCo Core/Wedge Cutting System
AceCo’s patented cutter system can be used for a range of produce that must be both cored and cut into wedge segments, such as apples and onions.
The AceCo Core/Wedge Cutter System design uses a core knife and segment slicing knives that can be customized to the customer’s specific needs, offering segment counts ranging from two to twenty-four.
The core knife and segment slicing knives are also independently replaceable, so, unlike other one piece core & segment cutters, a single damaged knife will not render all the remaining knives unusable.
The patented AceCo ‘Core and Wedge’ System is constructed to easily accommodate differing core sizes and produce a range of wedge counts within one cutting block. The coring knife, which can be sized to any diameter, is held in place by the slicing blades. Coring knives are slotted to accept the number of slicing blades needed for a particular wedge count. The slicing knives and core knife are secured by a retaining ring, which is also slotted to the specific wedge count of the cutter. The core knife, slicing knives, and retaining ring are then captured by the universal base and compression ring to create a single piece cutter head that can be easily changed swapped in and out to meet changing production requirements.
All components of the AceCo ‘Core and Wedge’ System are manufactured from high-strength stainless steel. AceCo can quickly design and fabricate the components – core knife, slicing knives, and retaining ring – to produce a cutter head for the customer’s specific requirements with minimal lead times.
Standard Wedge Cutters
AceCo offers replacement wedge cutter assemblies and knives for a range of OEM machines, in both standard one-piece (brazed) and replaceable-knife designs.